Wilson Mtn First Bench Mar 14

From the South Wilson - North WIlson trail pair, ending up at Encinoso Campground
P3250001   WILSON MTN FIRST BENCH P3250002 P3250003 P3250005
P3250006 P3250007   Daisies are the season's earliest flowers P3250010 P3250011
P3250013   Looking up at WIlson. First BEnch is just below the basalt layer. P3250014 P3250015 P3250016
P3250017 P3250018 P3250020 P3250021
P3250022 P3250023 P3250024 P3250025
P3250026 P3250028 P3250029   Starting to get the views as we climb higher P3250030   MIdgley Bridge is still visible
P3250031 P3250032 P3250035 P3250036   A globemallow
P3250038 P3250039 P3250041 P3250042
P3250043 P3250044 P3250046 P3250047   Where did this come from?
P3250048   Greeting another hiker, with poodle P3250049 P3250050   By now it's getting breezy, and cloudy P3250053   Mountain phlox
P3250054 P3250055 P3250056 P3250061
P3250062 P3250063 P3250065 P3250066   We now start down the North WIlson side
P3250067 P3250068 P3250069 P3250070
P3250071 P3250072   Massive canyon walls greet us on the downwatd size - and a burned forest, from 8 years back P3250073 P3250074
P3250075 P3250076 P3250078 P3250079
P3250080 P3250081 P3250082   Scrub oak P3250084   TRee roots embracing a  rock
P3250085 P3250086 P3250087 P3250088
P3250089 P3250090   Still another 'where fif this come from'? These could be volcanic ejecta. P3250091   Who can identify this plant? P3250092
P3250093 P3250094   Deep in the canyon, a newly fallen tree P3250095 P3250096
P3250097 P3250098 P3250099 P3250100
P3250101 P3250102 P3250103 P3250105